Lord God, friend of those in need,
your Son Jesus has untied our burdens
and healed our spirits.
We lift up the prayers of our hearts for those still burdened,
those seeking healing,
those in need within the church and the world.
People of God, called to serve God and our neighbor,
let us gather our faith and bring our petitions for the world,
for the church, and those in any need or trouble.
O God, we pray for all who are victims of cruel laws and petty laws,
those who are subjected to prejudice
denied opportunities, excluded, pushed to margins.
For all those who are betrayed,
who don’t know loyalty, who fear to trust, or to love,
and who don’t realize that they’re already loved by you.
Loving God, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father
Our prayer today is for the landless and homeless,
the refugee and evicted,
those who find themselves in foreign places and strange places.
We pray for the overworked and the underpaid,
for those in dangerous work and those in compassionate work,
for those who long to work but are denied the opportunity
Our prayer today is for the Church, for all the branches of the vine
including this one we gather as part of, today:
The body of Christ, people of Christ.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father
Our prayer today is for the gifts of creation,
this earth in all its mighty wonder, yet tender fragility,
the gifts of life and resources to treasure.
Our prayer today is for those who lie close to our hearts
those whom we worry about, those whom we miss,
those who carry disproportionate burdens at this time.
Hear our prayers
that we may love you with our whole being
and willingly share the concerns of our neighbors. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy