Proper 29 | Year A

As the shepherd who cares for the flock, O God,
you guide all things through Jesus
whom you have exalted over all creation as King.
Hear the prayers we offer in his name
for the creation he cherished
and that you entrust to us.

The Kingdom of God is at hand;
You proclaimed it, Lord Jesus;
   But it often feels like it’s a million miles away.
You demonstrated its grace and showed its power,
   but the signs often appear faded or absent in our world.

We need Your Kingdom to come, O God,
   in all its fullness, in all its glory;
This waiting, this “already and not yet” experience of Your reign
   is hard and frustrating.
Even so, Lord hear our prayer.

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

We pray for Your Kingdom to be revealed in our lives,
   turning our sickness and sin, our brokenness and fear
   into friendship and compassion, wholeness and joy.

We pray for Your Kingdom to be revealed in our neighborhoods,
   turning our division and suspicion, our judgment and our competition
   into fellowship and care, compassion, and service.

We pray for Your Kingdom to be revealed in our world,
   turning our war and our disparities, our consumption, and our self-interest
   into peace and collaboration, stewardship, and reverence.

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

Your Kingdom is here, and it is coming, O God.
Make us faithful heralds of its message
   and tireless practitioners of its ways.

Look upon your people who rejoice in your justice and mercy,
and grant that the prayers we make
may reveal Christ's reign in our time. Amen.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy