Fourth Sunday in Easter | Year A

O God, whose Son described himself as the door of the sheep,
the gateway to a fuller and richer life:
Have mercy on those afflicted by doubt or perplexity amid the mysteries of life;
and enable them to know the comforting presence of Christ,
that they may learn to walk humbly by faith in him
and find rest and respite in every circumstance still to come.

Sovereign God, we pray for the leaders of the nations,
that building on the foundations of justice, truth, and freedom,
they may unite people everywhere in harmony, peace, and mutual respect,
that your will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.

You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father

O God, direct the minds of those we have elected to serve,
from our city of Tulsa to the state of Oklahoma,
from those serving in Congress to the Senate,
and those at the highest levels of our government.

Grant that they may exercise their responsibilities
in such a way as to consider all things wisely and thoughtfully,
and for the sake of the welfare of the people;
and grant them understanding hearts, sound judgements,
and a concern always for the common good and the benefit of all.

You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father

God of all the earth, we have discovered so much knowledge
and yet possess so little wisdom,
and so we pray that in your mercy you may save us from ourselves.
Help us to learn the right use of nature  no less quickly than we unlock
and discover its treasures;
give us hearts and wills made new in Jesus Christ
And dedicate our gifts of knowledge to the service of others and to your glory.

Consoling God, comfort of the sorrowful and strength of the weary:
May the prayers of all that call upon you in any difficulty capture your attention,
that they may know that your mercy has been with them to bear them up
and support them even in the midst of their trouble.

Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.

God of all, near and far, and whose love recognizes no barriers of nation or race or color,
we ask your blessing on the Church in all the world;
that through the witness of its faith, its worship and its life,
your way may be known upon the earth
and your saving power among all the nations.

We give you thanks, O God, for all who have followed Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd,
and we commit ourselves and those we love to your care this day,
praying that you will guard us from every danger and guide us in the way of truth,
until we enter into the fullness of your presence.

You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father.

Open our hearts to your power moving
around us and between us and within us,
until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy,
in communities transformed by justice and compassion,
and in the healing of all that is broken. All this we ask in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.