Proper 13 | Year A

Friends in Christ,
God invites us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers
as dear to us as our own needs.
Loving our neighbors as ourselves,
we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions
on behalf of the church and the world.

O God who wrestles with us,
circle our hearts,
centre our minds,
still our bodies
be present to us now.
Let us pray.

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

O God, show us your face.  
May your Church be satisfied in your presence.  
May you reveal to her your ways
so that she might walk in the light of your truth.

O God, your eyes are fixed on justice.  
We pray for all victims of war and violence and famine.  
Hear the cries of those in need throughout the world.
For those who find themselves alone,
Grant them companionship.
For those caught under the weight of overwhelming anxiety,
Grant them rest and respite.
For those grieving the loss of loved ones,
Grant them comfort and peace.

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

God of Abundance, 
you have blessed the Earth to bring forth plenty. 
May we recognize the abundance in our own lives
and so that those with little may also have their fill.

O God, have compassion on the people of our region.  
Show us your marvelous loving-kindness
so that our fears may be replaced with trust in your goodness.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy

God of Blessing, we call upon you, 
for you answer us in our need. 
We pray this day for all those desperate for your blessing.  
Moved by compassion, heal the sick and suffering ones we hold in our hearts this day.

Let us take a moment to pray for those close to us in any need

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy

God beyond all seeing and knowing,
we meet you in the night of change and crisis,
and wrestle with you in the darkness of doubt.
Give us the will and spirit
to live faithfully
and love as we are loved.

Visit your people
and pour out your strength and courage upon us,
that we may hurry to make you welcome
not only in our concern for others,
but by serving them
generously and faithfully in your name.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord. 

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy