Proper 17 | Year A

God who is,
God who has been,
God who will be;
Your faithfulness we praise.
Your name we call upon.
Your presence we worship.
We are here,
on this holy ground,
in this time,
offering our lives and ourselves to You.
We come open to Your Spirit,
and trusting in the love of Your Son, Jesus,

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

We ask for the Church: that the fire of the Holy Spirit will embolden us to give witness to God
and to serve others by following the example of Jesus

That we may embrace the cross as we experience opposition, hardship or rejection
and allow God to raise to new life

That in times of loss, we may trust God who is with us even when answers or new beginnings are not apparent

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy

As people cry out,
as land dries out,
as floods wash away futures,
as food and water become scarce,
open our eyes to see what is happening.
May Your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.

That public figures may respect the human dignity of each person
and find ways to address the heart of the real issues that face society

For all who labor so that others may have the necessities of life, food on their tables, and live in safety: that God will renew their energy and help them to use their gifts and talents fully

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

Faithful God,
you are the hope of all the oppressed,
and the source of freedom for those held captive.
Make us strong to witness to your liberating power,
in generosity of life and in humility of spirit,
that all the world may delight in your goodness.

Your voice burns within the depths of our being,
O God of our ancestors,
and draws us into your presence and service.
Hear the cries of your people
and speak a word of comfort,
that we may proclaim to all the earth
the glory of your name. Amen.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy