Giver of Life,
thank you for this day!
Another day to live,
to breathe in, out.
For our hearts to pump blood,
for our synapses to crackle.
For our eyes to gorge themselves
on the beauty You have made.
From the grandeur of the night sky
to the intricacy of the autumn leaf.
You, and only You,
could fashion these wonders.
As the seasons change,
let us not forget Your presence.
Like the sun:
always shining, always warming,
even when hidden behind clouds
or felt dim by winter’s chill.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Giver of Liberty,
You gave Yourself to the chains of death
so that we might receive the freedom of life.
Deliver those who are held captive
by power-hungry regimes,
by money-hungry traffickers,
by self-hungry desires.
Let us walk through this life
as ambassadors of Your freedom.
Guide our every step,
confident in Your cunning,
whether we tread on springy turf
or the heads of serpents.
Be our satisfaction
and our salvation.
Always there for us,
listening before we even call on You.
Loving us honestly and authentically,
with Your literal being.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Giver of Light,
You are so patient with us.
We think our limited imagination
is the whole world,
and You just kindly speak,
“You don’t know what you’re asking."
When we are overzealous,
You graciously rein us in
while being pleased with our enthusiasm.
When we are lackadaisical,
You tenderly spur us on
while being gratified with our perseverance.
We cannot make You love us more;
We cannot make You love us less.
So we are content to serve You,
wherever You would have us.
Where we need light, show us the way;
where we need hope, send us help;
where we need healing, be our balm.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy,
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.