Proper 31 | Year B

God our Father:
where can we go but to You?
When all seems lost,
when our lives are upended
by our own choices and the choices of others,
remind us You care for us
and welcome us into Your continual family.

When all seems well,
when our lives are smooth,
when harvests are bountiful
and those we love are healthy,
remind us of those You love
whose lives are not the same.
Those who face ill health, homelessness,
financial lack, and complete upheaval.

They, too, are family.

Against all logic,
You have made us Yours.
You chose us first so we, like Ruth,
might choose You, the One who sides with
the oppressed, the hungry, the imprisoned,
the blind, the stranger, the orphan, the widow.
Our family.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God the Son: we love You.
We often think it without saying it.
We love You.
Though You know our innermost thoughts,
it still feels right to say it: we love You.

When our hearts are wayward and fickle,
Help us love You with all our hearts.
When our souls are troubled and despondent,
Help us love You with all our souls.
When our might is weak and sore,
Help us love You with all our might.
When our minds are divided and despairing,
Help us love You with all our minds.

You ask us to keep to Your ways.
Grant us the strength and wisdom to obey.

We love, because You love.
Help us show our love for You
through a demonstration of love
to the world around us.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God as Spirit:
You animate and motivate us.
Always present, always available,
like the air we breathe or the sun’s warming rays.

We cannot escape Your presence;
we can only become more
or less aware of You.

Your command is plain:
love your neighbors as yourselves.

Simple to say; difficult to do.

So we plead for Your help
both in loving our neighbors,
and in loving ourselves.

As we prepare to vote for our leaders
let us first remember:
before we are citizens of America or Oklahoma,
we are citizens of Your kingdom.

Guide us, Holy Spirit,
in our decisions,
so You will be exalted
in all areas of our lives,
our city, state, nation, and world.

All this we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.