Joy-filled God,
Today we remember Your joy.
We draw upon Your joy.
We embrace Your joy.
As we turn the corner
to the final stretch of Advent,
we do so joyfully.
Though the Christmas dawn
will soon arrive,
we endure now
the darkest part of the night.
Therefore, we ask that You
light up this Advent
with the flame of Your joy.
The flame that burns brightly,
that renews us in Your love,
that sings loudly and raucously
and dispels all fear.
Light our way.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Joy-proclaiming God,
You are our salvation!
Let us joyfully declare that salvation
to a world desperately in need of it.
Help us showcase Your love
through our actions first,
then our words.
Lord, scripture encourages us
to rejoice in You,
but it isn’t always easy for all of us,
especially at this time of year.
Restore our joy where it is depleted,
and replenish our joy
where it is needed.
So that You will liberate the oppressed,
heal the lame, gather the outcast,
and exchange our shame for praise.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Joy-imparting God!
You welcome all into Your kingdom.
The outcasts and the insiders,
the tax collectors and soldiers,
the vipers and the virtuous.
Let us, as a church body,
practice the same.
Let us welcome all,
let us share and share alike,
let us freely give and receive
bread and forgiveness,
let us look to You with expectation,
even as You explode those expectations.
Lord, we pray as a community
that You would give us comedic courage.
So that when we ask You,
“What should we do?”
We would hear Your answer
and be foolish enough
to do it.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.