Sisters and brothers,
in Jesus, God’s Word became flesh
to birth love in our hearts and peace in our world.
As we celebrate this gift of life in Christ,
let us pray for the church and the world.
O God, Your messenger announces peace
in shouts of breathless joy;
drive out the warring ways of our world
and protect all who face danger this day
as You guide our feet to travel with the One who is Your peace.
Your Word comes with justice
to rule the earth with fairness;
inspire the leaders of all nations and citizens of the world
to order our economic lives,
to promote dignity and equality
for all in Your global household.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
O God, when shepherds met Your newborn Christ
they eagerly ran to tell the news;
so make us joyful messengers of Your good news
and freely share Your love in the world.
Your Word says mountains and rivers clap and sing
as You make all things new;
awaken us to the damage we do to your world
and mend our ways,
that all creation might breathe again the liveliness of your grace.
O God, in Jesus, Your love takes on human form
to seek us out and guide us home;
May Christ be born in us today!
May Christ lead us into the lives for which we were made.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Unto us a child is born!
One who will live and die and rise again.
Bless all who are born today
and all who will die,
that Your will may be done
in the One who is the way, truth, and life.
O God, receive our prayers
through Christ who is our light and life.
May we, like Him, carry light
in bodies, breath, and beating hearts
as holy partners in this holy calling.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.