God of the covenant,
you call us to be fruitful servants within creation,
and to offer our lives
as the foundation of your kingdom.
We lay before you the desires of our hearts,
that we may be transformed by their fulfillment.
O God, we come to you with wonder and awe,
knowing you will hear our prayers.
You do not turn away from the afflicted,
You always hear our cries,
We pray for those today who are in special need,
For those who are in prison
For those who are alone,
For those who are ill or infirm,
For those who are mourning and continue to mourn...
And we give thanks for those
who have found your healing in their lives...
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father.
O God, who gathers us into the great congregation,
You invite us to your table
Where we eat and are satisfied.
Give us grace as we seek You
And strive to lead others to You.
We pray for your holy Church,
For this congregation gathered here . . .
For sisters and brothers in our community . . .
For your Church around the world . . .
And for all whose lives proclaim your praise.
O God, you rule over all the nations.
You care for us even when we do not recognize you.
We pray for your help in caring for your creation
That we would become faithful stewards of the world
Which you have entrusted to us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father.
O God, We pray for those in conflict, in danger,
And those who lay down their lives to protect
Their brothers, sisters, and neighbors.
Somewhere this day innocent people
Are suffering the chaos and brutality of war,
Homes are ravaged,
Bodies are mutilated,
Hatreds enlarged.
Somewhere right now oppressed people
Are working like slaves for scant rewards
While their exploiters live in luxury.
Somewhere at this hour persecuted Christians
Are meeting for worship in secret,
Knowing that sooner or later,
Someone might betray them.
Somewhere, near or far away, there are people
Caught up in the raw grief of a recent death,
So distressed that they may wonder
how they will ever be able to go on living.
Loving God, give us the faith to counterbalance despair
And the love to outweigh self-interest and neglect.
Grand, O God, that the prayers we offer
May be your channel for new and abundant life
Not only hoped for, but worked for,
Through faithful word and deed. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.