Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany | Year B

To God who welcomes all in love,
let us pray for the good of the church
and the concerns of those in need.

O God, we look to you as Healer
And ask that you would heal us in our day. 

We look to the message of Christ for our hope:
We proclaim the Kingdom, the Way of God is near.
You give power to the faint,
And strengthen the powerless.
You heal the brokenhearted
And bind up their wounds.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

    You hear us calling,
    You hear us calling,
    Abba Father.

Heal us, O God:
From our physical infirmities
From our spiritual blindness,
From our emotional woundedness,
From our weakness and corruption.

Heal us, O God.
From our brokenness and trauma,
From our carelessness and apathy,
From our generational burdens,
From our hatred and violence

O God, we pray for all affected by the flu
Including the 53 children whose lives were lost,
And the hundreds of thousands infected.
We pray for doctors, nurses, 
and all who care for the sick and dying. 
We give thanks for their ministry of mercy, 
and pray that you will bless them with the gifts of wisdom, strength, and compassion
that they may be a blessing to all in their care. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

    You hear us calling,
    You hear us calling,
    Abba Father.

O God, we hold you at your word;
That those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength,
They shall mount up with wings like eagles
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

God of every land and nation,
you have created all people
and you dwell among us in Jesus Christ.
Listen to the cries of those who pray to you,
and grant that, as we proclaim the greatness of your name,
all people will know the power of love at work in the world.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Lord have mercy,
have mercy.
    Lord have mercy,
have mercy.