Holy God, whose risen Son shows Your power
made perfect in weakness,
make us people who live from grace to grace
in the power of Your Spirit.
Dwell in us today
and make us people who dwell in You
this very moment.
God of glory, who knows our every weakness
and the ways weakness makes us fearful,
deepen our trust in Your perfect love.
By Your Spirit, transform fear into faith.
Beckon us through our places of weakness,
and bring us to Your everlasting glory.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father.
God of daily bread,
whose Son told His followers
to take nothing for their journey
except sandals and a walking staff,
set our feet in the direction of Your kingdom.
Mark the path of Your church
with our pilgrim feet.
Help us to discover the beauty
of the simple sandals and walking staff
You have given us.
Set our hearts to discover
the riches of Your kingdom.
Teach us to walk two by two
as brothers and sisters in faith,
and so to find our true life in You.
Sustain us so that we may sustain one another.
Nourish our most basic needs of daily bread
so that we may nourish one another.
Walk by our side
when we carry a loved one
through a difficult time.
Through Your Spirit,
who is present to us in one another,
strengthen us in faith, confirm us in hope,
and perfect us in love.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father.
God of all nations,
whose good news spreads
to the ends of the earth
and the ends of time,
make us instruments of Your peace.
We bring before You this nation
and all who live in it.
As Americans celebrate freedom and unity this week,
guide and direct this nation
as we seek yet a more perfect union.
Help us to discover true freedom
which benefits all who live here, not only a few.
May this land be a place
where the goodness of life,
the blessing of well-being,
and the bounty of community
can be found in abundance for all.
Give Your wisdom to those who lead this nation.
By Your Spirit, give us patience to seek
the paths that make for peace in this city,
this nation, and around Your world.
Comfort people whose fear of unrest
and ongoing fighting make them captives
in their own homes.
Help us, Your church,
to be a healing balm
in the midst of injury and hatred,
in this country and throughout the earth.
All these prayers we ask
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who with the Father and the Spirit lives and reigns forever.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.