Proper 19 | Year B

King over all,
You deal gently with us,
for it is in Your nature.
Even when we turn Your mission
to our own self-serving ends,
Your default is mercy.

When we hang in the branches
Suspended between heaven and earth,
Vulnerable in our sin
and exposed to those who would rightfully wish us harm,
Hear our repentant voices cry, “Help!”
Lift us up and put us back on our mount.

Fill our mouths with praises,
with gratitude and exclamations.
Guide us gently back onto the path
of doing Your work
in Your world.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of All Provision,
How easy it is to forget.
How easy to know in our heads
but doubt in our hearts
that You provide our all.

Fickle and feckless,
like Elijah we sometimes say,
“This is enough—take us.”
Lord, thank You for feeding us anyway.
For looking past our perceived flightiness
and calling us by our True Name.

Let us not be divided by fear.
On this first anniversary of Charlottesville,
when people united under a banner of hatred,
of racism, fear, and exclusion.
And blood was shed by their hands.
We repent as a nation.
Deliver us from racism, hatred, and division,
and unite us under Your banner of Love.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God who calls us beloved children,
We have seen Jesus, so we have seen You.
You are The Great Parent,
The One who cares for us,
Who feeds us with everlasting life,
Who provides a Home for us
under Your wings.
Let this Body care for Your kids well.

Kids of all ages:
from the youngest infant
to the wisest elder.
We are all Your family,
brothers and sisters.
May we treat each other like family.
And always be hospitable and welcoming
to new family members.

Enlarge our circle of siblings.
Remind us we need not compete for Your love.
For You give it freely,
just because we are Yours.
All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,