God of Wisdom,
As we go through the busyness of living,
give us ears to hear You calling
through the chaos.
Let us hold this life loosely,
with open hands,
always ready to receive
whatever You choose to give.
O God, your gifts are good,
Your ways are good,
And Your posture toward us is always good,
for You are unfiltered, unimpeded,
unbounded, uninhibited Goodness.
Help us not conflate our idea of good
with Your pure, actual Good,
but give us Your wisdom
to look upon our lives and our world
and add more Good to it.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of Action.
At the beginning,
You spoke and everything was.
Give us ears to hear
Your creative, life-giving Word in our day.
Guide our voices.
Let us choose our words in Your wisdom.
Let us hold our tongues in peace
And let them loose when necessary,
so that we may model You
by speaking Life
and only Life.
When words are used against us,
let us not wilt in shame,
let us not wither in disgrace,
but let us look to You,
for You are our Vindication.
You alone are the One
with the words of Life.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of Comfort.
You permeate the universe.
You are not a part of the thing,
You are the Thing entire.
It is all You,
so Your comforting presence is always here.
Trusting this truth, we ask for Your comfort
to be felt in a real and tangible way.
Not the concept of comfort,
not a PowerPoint presentation about comfort,
but the Real Thing.
Present in every breath.
We ask Your comfort for
Those affected by Hurricane Florence,
Those in Puerto Rico still recovering from Hurricane Maria,
The 12,800 immigrant children still separated from their parents,
The families of all those who've lost their lives prematurely,
The incarcerated and the immobile,
And all the grieving and hurting people who don’t make the news,
both abroad and those in our own Sanctuary family.
All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.