O God, while Jesus prayed at His baptism,
Your mothering Spirit brooded over Him,
providing sustenance and strength.
So brood over us today
as we offer our prayers for the church and the world:
We pray for Your church:
may Your Word spark our lives with truth and joy,
may it open up whole new worlds in our hearts,
as we serve one another to the glory of Your name.
We pray for all leaders and people around the world:
may Your justice provoke us to shape a peaceful world,
where all work for the common good.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
O God, we pray for the well-being of Your creation:
may Your goodness startle us to the horrors of our exploitation
and abuse of the resources and good gifts You’ve given us.
We pray for all who suffer grief or sickness of any kind:
may Your tender presence abide with us and quicken our healing.
Mothering Spirit, stir us with Your power.
We remember and pray for those who have died,
that Your steadfast love may shelter them
in the peace of Your eternal light.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Loving God, walk beside us.
When we are too hasty, soothe our impatience and anxiety.
When we are too tardy, draw us out of our sloth and bewilderment.
When we are walking step by step with You,
may we know we are not alone.
We pray for all who lack the essentials of life:
food, clothing, shelter, and companionship.
May Your righteousness, O God, raise us up to walk together
with respect and dignity for all.
O God, You have made us, formed us,
and called us by name,
and You have redeemed us in Christ.
Receive our prayers this day,
for Your life-giving Spirit is powerful to save.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.