God of Goodness and Life,
we bow our heads before You.
As we come together to offer our prayers,
and ask for Your wisdom,
nestle us more deeply under Your wing.
Dear family, let us pray:
Unseen Lord,
no one compares to You!
Matchless and wonderful,
always welcoming us;
through our folly, You still invite us:
“Come as you are.”
Everyone created uniquely,
designed exactly as You desired us.
We find our joy in You,
in times of doubt and times of great confidence.
Show us Your faithfulness. Demonstrate Your mercy.
in this community, this city, this world.
May Your mercy fall freely on us all.
Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer.
Deeply-loving God,
everyone is in Your care.
Show Your mercy on the world.
Those in Syria who face new violence
resulting from the actions of those far away.
You hold them still.
Hold in peace every Christian, here and abroad,
risking their lives through persecution.
Open our eyes to see them clearly.
Fix the poor on our hearts, even those among us
poor in compassion, empathy, and the will to act.
O Lord, we pray for Your passion.
May we see You in all things.
In both the high and the humble,
enacting Your love in our world,
so that You may be glorified.
Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer.
Dependable God,
You always care for us.
Restore us in ways we cannot foresee,
even, Lord, in ways that break us,
knowing You make all things right.
Ignite us with Your justice;
where we are entrenched in error,
ease us toward Your truth.
Show Your kindness to us
as we extend our gratitude toward You.
Heal all those in our midst,
all in pain, whether physical, emotional,
mental, financial, or familial.
Intervene on our behalf,
that we may be given to good works
on Your behalf.
Now we offer our own requests, silently or aloud:
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.