Gathered family,
we serve a faithful God,
who is faithful to hear us.
Let us rely on that faith now
as we pray:
Satisfying God,
as we turn toward this season
of thanksgiving,
we seek to cultivate
a continual attitude of thanksgiving.
When we are selfish and self-serving,
instill in us a God-breathed desire
to climb a tree just to get a look at You.
So that You may call us
back to You and our brothers and sisters.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Patient God,
You love us at our worst
and stand with us in our doubts,
our griefs, and our impatient desires.
When we cry, “How long, O Lord?”
You whisper peace.
Destruction and violence are before us:
Fires in California, toxic air in India,
flooding in East Africa.
May Your presence be felt in these places
and in the lives of those affected.
Make us instruments of Your hands.
Let us seek justice, rescue the oppressed,
defend the orphan, and plead for the widow.
Teach us to do good in Your name.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Persistent God,
We thank You for our brothers and sisters
in this Sanctuary community
and in the broader Church,
here in the Tulsa area,
and spreading out globally.
Make Your Church worthy of Your call
and fulfill every work of faith,
so that we may glorify You here
and everywhere we go.
We lift up the persecuted Church,
and all those in danger
for proclaiming Your name.
Meet them in their distress;
welcome those who die in their eternal rest.
And when Your peace seems to tarry,
provide us holy patience to wait on Your will.
We now add our own prayers,
either silently or aloud:
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.