Epiphany 6 | Year C

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
the whole earth
is full of Your glory.
May we radiate Your glory now
as we pray:

You have touched our lips:
You have blotted out our sin,
You have shown our guilt the exit.
You have cleaned us up,
a rags-to-riches story of Your grace.

And because of this, we cry:
“Here we are! Send us!”
Send us to the broken-hearted
the down-and-out, the poor in spirit,
and those who know a version of You
and think it’s the Real Thing.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

How long, O Lord?
How long must we struggle with sickness,
worry about finances,
fight against injustice,
tear down unfair systems,
and grieve those who die?

How long must we
listen without comprehension,
look without seeing,
contemplate without conviction?
How long? And yet:

With the same wondering mouths,
We give You thanks.
We sing Your praise.
We proclaim Your steadfast love,
Your faithfulness,
Your soul-strengthening goodness.
For You are Good. Selah.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord of the least, the last, the lost,
the lonely, and the little:
You have changed our names.
You have crossed out the adjectives
this world once wrote on us
and stamped us anew.

First. Found. Friend-filled.
Free and full.
It is a miracle!

May we always know this about ourselves,
Burnish these truths in our hearts
so that we may walk with confidence
and see You as the Main Character in our story.

As You gave the disciples fish
after a long night of nothing,
Give us the courage to keep casting our nets,
to go where You lead us,
to love those You bring to us,
both here at Sanctuary
and everywhere else we go.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.