Lent 1 | Year C

Brothers and sisters,
the family of Christ:
incline your ears
and align your hearts
as we pray:

Eternal Lord,
who stands outside of time,
who holds the days
who exists in the “unbounded Now”
and who created seasons
for those of us bound by time:

As we enter this season of Lent,
a season of patience
and anticipation,
keep our appetites whetted
so that we may embrace
both the fasting of today
and the first fruits of Your Easter promise in the future.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of refuge:
We call to You now
with expectant hearts;
We look to You now
in the midst of our troubles;
We seek You now
desiring Your rescue and honor.
Deliver us, Lord!

From the gasping grasp of death,
from the conquered clutches of illness,
from the frustrated fatigue of poverty,
from the attractive appeal of conformity,
from the slain stasis of apathy.

Show us Your salvation,
even as we confront our everyday world
and commend to You all those who hurt
and are hurting.
Satisfy us with long life.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty God,
You know us like no other.
Jesus, we bend Your empathetic ear.
You were led by the Spirit into the wilderness;
You were tempted as we are tempted.

Find us in our own wildernesses,
Come quickly to help us there
as we are assaulted by many temptations.
You know our weaknesses;
give us strength in the midst of them,
for You are mighty to save.

When we know times of strength,
let us help those among us who are weak.
Keep from us the temptation to pride and arrogance,
even in our humility.
But let Your name be glorified among us,
in the Church and in the world.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.