Palm Sunday | Year C

God, You are our God,
and we give You thanks
for You are good,
and Your steadfast love endures forever.
Continually write this Truth
on the walls of our hearts.
Remind us daily, hourly
of Your goodness
and unfailing love toward us.

We pray for those among us
whose perception of Your goodness
has been obscured by pain, suffering,
financial lack, bad news,
and the hurtful actions of others,
both thoughtless and intentional.
Heal our wounds so we may see You more clearly.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of the scrubs,
of the benchwarmers, of the outcasts:
Thank You for calling us worthy.
We invite You into our mess.
To You we offer our builder-rejected stones
and our warrior-rejected donkeys,
trusting You will be the One who lifts us up.

Guard our eyes and hearts
so we might look to You for our identity.
You, the One who calls us “blessed.”

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

O God, as we celebrate Your unorthodox triumphal parade,
where coats were laid in Your path
and palms were waved victoriously,
we ask You for unorthodox triumphs
in our own world.

Where we are sick, we ask for Your healing,
Where we are lacking, we ask for Your fullness,
Where we are on edge, we ask for Your peace.
Grant us grace for others, for ourselves,
and for those who have entered their eternal rest.

As Sanctuary follows Your voice
into an uncertain but exciting new season,
we pray we would have ears to hear.
Let us sow Your love into this city,
this nation, and this world.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.