Eternal God,
You who are both the beginning
and the ending,
and everything in between,
to You we lift our voices:
We revel in Your resurrection!
You had died and
all seemed lost.
Darkness had its reign…
…and then You rose again!
The darkness fled;
the shadows scattered.
May Your resurrection light
flood every corner of our lives
and bring restoration.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
All who draw breath
praise You.
That means us!
You breathed the breath
into our lungs;
may we always use it
to honor You.
You are woven into the fabric of all.
You, the God who was,
who is,
who is to come.
You invite us into Your mystery.
Give us courage to embrace You
in times of both difficulty and delight.
When we are tempted to ask "Why?"
guide us instead to ask "What now?"
So that we may serve You
as You serve us.
We pray for those in a San Diego synagogue,
whose lives were shattered by violence yesterday,
and all who are affected by any form of intolerance
against any faith, race, or ethnicity.
Bring comfort and safety to all in need
and lead all communities to reject hatred.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord, You're our strength and our song!
Even when we are so weak
we can't carry a tune,
You lift us up. You sing over us.
You meet us there.
Guide this Sanctuary family.
Let us walk in Your resurrection.
Let us be a beacon of hope
and a balm of peace
to this city, this state,
this nation, this world.
May we always seek to embody You.
You who are both the ending
and the beginning
and everything in between.
Eternal God.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.