Family of God:
where divisions no longer exist
and false, manmade categories fall away
into glorious and diverse unity,
Let us now join together in prayer.
God of Provision,
You cared for Elijah
when he fled for his life.
Let us be the ones
to care for the Elijahs among us,
however they may come to our attention.
The poor, the sick, the underfed,
the social outcasts, the filthy, the tattered,
the young, the old,
the orphaned, the childless,
the grief-stricken, the bereft,
So guide our eyes that we may see them
as the beautiful image-bearers of You that they are.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer
God Who Faces Us,
Thank You for not turning away;
that we are not an embarrassment to You,
but we are Your children,
whom You love.
When we forget Your love,
Remind us of it.
Get our attention however You must.
Make us reminders of Your love
to all those we encounter
in person, in passing, and online.
Lord, let Your eyes meet ours
whether we’re merry or miserable.
Be present in our laughter;
sustain us in our grief.
May we always keep our senses
tuned to Your front-facing frequency.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer
God of Deliverance,
You encountered a man among the dead,
You saw his need, You asked nothing of him,
and then You set him free.
And only then did You guide him to proclamation.
Let us, like him, proclaim throughout Tulsa
what You have done for us:
The freedom You have brought us,
the purpose You have given us,
the delight You take in us.
The unearned grace in which You have bathed us.
We now proclaim Your glory
and Your desire for deliverance
as we each articulate
and add our own prayers,
either silently or aloud:
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.