God of living water,
We gather together to drink
from the deep well of eternal life.
Fill us with your Spirit
so our thirst may be satisfied.
Lord, we long for the unity of your Church,
Guide your people toward one another,
in love, charity, and truth.
Bind us together in your Spirit
in order that we might be
the visible body of your Son in this world.
May our lives and our example, with your help,
display your care for all people,
that we might see the world drawn
into your unifying and healing life.
Lord, in Your mercy,
hear our prayer.
God of authority and power,
We pray for those who have been granted
authority and leadership in this world.
May they embrace the vision of your Kingdom,
executing justice for the poor and oppressed,
resisting the draw into violence and vengeance,
and embracing policies of equity for all people.
As the fear of illness surrounds us all,
we pray for those who have been given
charge of managing the responses to the coronavirus.
Fill them with wisdom, Lord,
for the safety and health of all our neighbors.
We also pray for the medical researchers,
grant them creativity and energy
as they search for innovative medicines and immunizations.
Lord, in Your mercy,
hear our prayer.
God our Healer, we pray for those who are sick,
Breathe your restoring life into their bodies
and provide them comfort in their trouble.
We pray for those who lack easy access to healthcare,
for those who have weakened immune systems,
for those who are anxious,
for those whose income is being impacted,
for children who won’t have meals without school,
for those who are caring for the sick,
protect and help each one during this unstable season.
Now, let us name before our attentive God
the concerns that weigh on each of us individually...
Hear us, Father, and answer these requests
according to your faithfulness and promises.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.