Year A

Seventh Sunday in Easter | Year A

Seventh Sunday in Easter | Year A

O God, your Son remained with his disciples after his resurrection,
teaching them to love all people as neighbors.
As his disciples in this age,
we offer our prayers on behalf of the universe
in which we are privileged to live
and our neighbors with whom we share it.

We pray for your church gathered around the world.
As we recognize Ascension Day
we are recognizing your rule in the world - here and now.
Help us to live in a way that acknowledges you are not absent, 
but King of kings and Lord of Lords;
Even here, even now you are Lord in the midst of our pain and suffering, 
our joy and celebration, and we submit to the Rule of Christ in our lives

Fifth Sunday in Easter | Year A

Fifth Sunday in Easter | Year A

God on this mother’s day, we pause thank you for all the ways you are a mother to us.
You are mother to us in the way you watch over us and watch out for us.
Our holy scripture likens you to a mother eagle, to a mother hen, to a mother bear.
Like these creatures, you are ever mindful and fiercely protective.
For this, O God, we give you thanks.