“The Rule is not intended to be a source of division and condemnation but rather an instrument of communion...It is not intended to be an end in itself but a temporal means toward our eternal life in heaven. Members bind themselves to the Rule, for the Rule defines who we are and what we are for. The ‘Order’ is simply the Rule in practice, and its members are those who practice it.”
Oblates of the Order of St. Anthony commit to the following for a period of one year:
The Daily Office – Oblates of the Order will follow the Daily Office through use of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. Oblates are asked to pray two offices daily—the Morning Prayer (also known as Matins) and Evening Prayer (also known as Evensong).
The Eucharist – Oblates of the Order should receive the Eucharist once a week. It is preferable that this be done in the context of the corporate worship service you attend. If the Eucharist is not available corporately it may be celebrated privately (if the Oblate is clergy). If the Oblate is a layperson, they should only receive Communion from an ordained clergy (either present or with elements previously consecrated).
Spiritual Direction– Oblates of the Order will submit to Spiritual direction. Spiritual Directors may be from within or outside the Order.
Confession and Absolution – Oblates of the Order will meet with a Priest Confessor at least once a year for the Rite of Confession/Reconciliation.
Retreats – Oblates of the Order are invited to participate in the Order's annual Convocation or other retreats offered by the Order.
Report and Reaffirmation – Oblates of the Order must submit a yearly report of spiritual, ministerial, and educational activities and reaffirm their vows in writing to the Bishop Protector. This includes regular submission of Ember Letters.
Self-denial – Oblates of the Order will undertake to fast as physically able, or to engage in some activity that will help them put God as the focus of their life. Additionally, Oblates will give a portion of their time, talents, and resources to the Order, their parish, and those in need in their surrounding area.
Support – Dues of $35/year will be paid by an Oblate in support of the Order.
The Vows
Done privately, or if lifelong, at the Order’s Convocation
Follow the Rule -- as articulated above.
Simplicity – Oblates of the Order will learn to live with what they truly need, not frivolously by wants only, and be good stewards of Creation.
Morality – Before God, Oblates of the Order pledge their commitment to moral and sexual purity. Oblates seek purity in body, mind, and spirit, along with singleness of heart. Oblates commit themselves to purity of life and purity of expression in their sexuality through fidelity in marriage, and abstinence in singleness.
Accountability – Oblates of the Order will commit to lives of transformation through the Rule in which they are accountable to one another, their Bishop, and Elders of the Order in love. No member will ever use a position of authority as an instrument of oppression or to take advantage of another in any way. Those in authority will accept the responsibility to lead, instruct, and protect. A position of authority is a call to service rather than an opportunity for personal aggrandizement. Oblates will not slander or engage in disputes, nor should they quarrel among themselves or with others, but rather respond in all humility. They should love one another and express that love by their deeds.
Fraternity and Unity – As unity is at the heart of convergence, Oblates of the Order will respect the various streams/traditions of Christianity. Oblates will uphold the great Tradition of the Church as handed down in the Scriptures, the two Gospel sacraments (Baptism and Eucharist), the Creeds (Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed), and the Historical Episcopacy. However, Oblates will support and encourage the participation of other members in their respective stream/tradition when those streams/traditions do not fully embrace all aspects of what the Tradition holds.