Proper 20 | Year A

Most merciful and compassionate God,
Giver of Life and Love,
hear our prayers
and let our cries come unto you.

Again we gather in the wake of natural disasters,
Of earthquakes and hurricanes
Shaking our world, taking lives, and turning cities to dust.
In these times we remember that we too come from the dust,
We remember the fragility of life.
As we collect our faith, hear our prayers
for a world torn apart by the earth’s quake,
For a world divided by human quake,
Hear our prayers.

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

O God, We weep with your people
We hear the cries of orphaned children and laments of bereaved parents
We feel the desperation of those searching for loved ones
We behold the silence of vanished villages.
We see the devastation.
We are overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.
Our hearts are hushed, our minds are numb.
Let not our hands be stopped, our voices mute.

God of the universe,
Open our hearts to feel your compassion,
Spur in us the act of continued giving,
Bond us to our sisters and brothers in need,
Comfort and heal the injured, the bereaved, the lost

You hear us calling
You hear us calling
Abba Father

Strengthen the aid workers and medical personnel
Bolster the resolve of governments and those with power to help
Open through this tragedy pathways to partnerships and peace
May those hurting, grieving, and rebuilding be surrounded
By communities of mercy, healing, and compassion.

O God, hear our prayers
And make us faithful stewards of the fragile resources of this earth
Help us to care for this world you created and its inhabitants
so that we may be entrusted with the riches of heaven.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy