Third Sunday in Advent | Year B

Brothers and sisters, 
as we joyfully await the glorious coming of the Christ, 
let us pray for the needs of the church, our community, and the world. 

Lord as John the Baptist came proclaiming your message of justice, 
may we, the church, be prophets for our own time. 
Help us to work to make governments more aware of their responsibilities
to those under their authority, 
whether they are rich or poor, 
black or white, 
male or female, 
and whatever their political or religious persuasion.

We ask that by our words, prayers and actions, 
we may be forerunners for your kingdom of love, justice, and peace.

    You hear us calling,
    You hear us calling,
    Abba Father

Lord, as John the Baptist came to prepare the way for your coming, 
may we, the church, seek to prepare the way for you
to come into the lives of others. 
Help us so to follow Christ
that in all our relationships with other people
something of his love may be seen, 
something of his nature understood.

We ask that by our words, prayers and actions, 
we may be forerunners for Christ to enter the lives of others.

Lord, as John the Baptist came to call the people to repentance, 
may we, the church, offer to others by our witness and example, 
an alternative way of life, 
a way of life based on love and truth, 
rather than selfishness and complacency. 
Help us to keep a clear view of your goodness, 
so that our values may reflect our faith
and not the values of the society around us.

We ask that by our words, prayers and actions, 
we may be forerunners for the salvation of humankind.

    You hear us calling,
    You hear us calling,
    Abba Father

Lord, as John the Baptist came to challenge the religious people of his day, 
may we, the church, always be ready
to challenge our own attitudes and traditions in the name of love. 
Help our church to become a place of healing
where the anxious and depressed, 
the sick and the bereaved
and those who believe they are of little worth, 
may find acceptance and love.

We ask that by our words, prayers and actions, 
we may be forerunners for the joy of life in Christ.

God of joy and exultation, 
you strengthen what is weak; 
you enrich the poor
and give hope to those who live in fear. 
Look upon our needs this day. 
Make us grateful for the good news of salvation
and keep us faithful in your service
until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
who lives forever and ever. Amen.

    Lord have mercy,
have mercy.
    Lord have mercy,
have mercy.