Good and gracious Lord, as we meet together to worship you, we pray that you will grant us a glimpse of your glory so that we may rejoice in your presence and abide in your peace.
Lord Jesus, we remember at this time that you came to disturb the world, and to turn the lives of humankind to God.
You brought
love to those who were unloved
hope to those who had nothing to look forward to
peace to those who were full of anxious daily cares.
But you also brought judgment
to those who thought they were good
to those who were content with their own lives:
to those who looked down on other people and who were sure that they knew everything about God.
We pray that you will come into our lives at this time to turn us all again to you: to help to see ourselves as we really are and to remove from each one of us all that is unworthy so that we may truly share in your kingdom and know the joy of your loving presence.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father
Lord Jesus, we pray that you will prepare us for your coming into the world:
that in these times you will drive away despair from our politics
that you will revive our dreams of justice
and restore our passion for what is right, good, and true.
May your love motivate our care for our neighbors
and for the wider Tulsa community
and help us all to play a part in helping to overcome the social ills
that drag so many into despair.
We pray that your love will inspire our citizenship so that it rises above the mediocre.
Too often we have been silent
and missed opportunities to share with others the message of love
which you brought into the world
and we ask that you will give us all the faith to say, βyesβ -
the deep faith of Mary -
and show us a new way to live,
so that, with your forgiveness and with an awareness of your presence,
we can truly claim to follow you in thought and word and deed.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father
O God, just as you were birthed into the arms of Mary
we pray that you would also be birthed into our lives.
This season as we celebrate the life of and incarnation of your Son,
We pray Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of us,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of us,
Christ in every eye that sees us,
Christ in every ear that hears us.
May that be true of us and your body gathered around the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.