Nurturing God,
remembering the exile of the holy family
and Herod's slaughter of the children,
we remember all who need our sustaining love.
Hear our prayers for the church and the community in the world.
Living God
We meet at the end of this year
And would not move ahead without remembering
Those situations which have concerned us during the year that is almost complete
There are still nations wracked by war
Notably in Syria and Yemen
There is still a human tide of misery
Who have become the stateless citizens of our world
Condemned to risk their lives at sea or overland
Destined for an indeterminate stay in overcrowded refugee camps
There are still exploited people groups within nations
Who are victimised because they are different
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father
O God, there are still those who believe in the power
Of the knife or bullet or vehicle or bomb
To cripple, maim or destroy
For some cause or other
There are still those who have been devastated by flooding
Hurricane or earthquake or other natural disaster
Lord have mercy on our world
Thank You for every person, agency or organisation
That seeks to make a difference
For every kindness shown
For every help given
And for those who work tirelessly and often thanklessly
To make peace,
To establish justice
To right wrongs
Behind the headlines
You hear us calling,
You hear us calling,
Abba Father
We are all too aware of the needs of ordinary people
Who live ordinary lives
We pray for those who have been bereaved in this past year
And for whom that loss colors every day
For those who have undergone or are undergoing treatment
That has changed their lives, at least for a time
For those whose jobs have been lost or are under threat
For those without work or whose work demeans them
For those who have got into debt or addiction in one of many forms
Grant that all people may hear together the song of joy,
and find their homes in the garden of justice and hope,
that we may experience the fullness of life,
which is your will for all,
in the coming of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.