Patient God, today we thank You
for entrusting Your holy Church to broken people.
Where our brokenness has caused division,
give us eyes to see our need for one another.
In our small community,
may we be moved by your Spirit
to more fully embrace each other
especially in times of conflict, confusion, or differences of opinion.
In a world divided
by class, race, politics and many other things,
may your global Church grow to be united in its mission
to be peacemakers.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Almighty God, today we pray for all those in positions of authority.
May their hearts be inclined toward peace and justice
so that all the world may rest from war,
persecution, and suffering.
We pray for the provision of the poor,
the equitable treatment of the persecuted,
and the safety of the war-torn.
In our own community,
reveal the needs You’ve entrusted to our care
and grant us generosity of heart, time, and resources to serve them.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Suffering God, we pray You would be present
with all those who are enduring pain in our community and world,
especially the families affected by the Saugus High School shooting.
We ask You to help us weep with those who weep
and mourn with those who mourn.
We boldly offer our prayers for those who are sick or injured
that You might grant them health and strength in their bodies.
For those who have died,
we ask that You welcome them into the place
where there is no pain or grief
and comfort all those who grieve the loss of their presence.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.