As we gather to celebrate Christ our King,
let us bow our hearts and pray
for the church and the world.
Mighty and merciful Lord,
You are our refuge, our strength,
Always with us, in times of peace
and in times of trouble.
May we endure these times in patience,
while joyfully giving You thanks,
knowing that all things
are held together in You.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Rescuing Lord,
we ask that you display Your mercy
upon those in places of unrest.
For those affected by violence in Bolivia,
protests in Hong Kong,
and all those impacted
by a world that is still on fire.
Where we have faith, strengthen it.
Where we have doubt, bless it.
Make all things right in Your time,
through Your advocating justice,
and Your empathetic righteousness.
Rescue us from the power of darkness
and flood our hearts with Your unending light,
so that we may no longer live in fear or dismay.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Powerful Lord, Your voice
guides us gently and gladdens our hearts.
Grant us the patience to wait for You.
We bring before You
all those who are hurting,
who are in physical, emotional,
financial, or familial pain.
Heal their hearts and bodies.
We commend to your mercy all who have died,
that your will for them may be fulfilled;
and we pray that we may share with all your saints
in your eternal kingdom.
We now add our own prayers,
either silently or aloud:
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.