O God, we step into a new year with anticipation,
singing songs and lighting candles
as a reminder of Your light breaking into the world.
In this season of Advent, we join the long waiting,
the journey into the darkness,
and the cry of your people:
“How long, O Lord?”
Stir up a longing within us,
so that when the day of Christ’s birth comes,
he may also be born in each of us.
Lord, in Your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ, you have come and are coming.
You have been here from the beginning,
You have been here in time,
and now You come to us even now.
You point us toward another day, and another hour,
another coming of which no one knows the moment.
You bid us to be ready.
We look around at a broken and hurting world.
We see needs beyond our own ability to fix.
We thank You for all who tend to the sick and weary,
the ones who feel separated from Your church.
In a world of rich resources, help us to remember the poor,
not only in memory, but also in love, for they are our brothers and sisters.
Use our caring, giving, helping, and living with the poor
as ways to be Your incarnation.
And may we see you image in them.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
We long for the day when nations
will beat their swords into plowshares.
We long for the day of peace.
We look to your Son, who shows us a different way to live,
who taught a different lesson, and died a death that gives us life.
O God, we hold before You all those who are in need
and we offer our prayers either silently or aloud...
Patient God, supporting brother, mothering spirit,
we offer these and many more prayers.
We praise You and thank You for hearing us
and coming to us in our need.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.