O God, in the hushed anticipation of Your coming,
stir up in us a desire to remain awake, with patient expectation,
that we might find joy in the waiting
and when the day comes, be ready for Your coming.
You are the God of incarnation,Emmanuel, God with us.
Your peace has been born among us,
embodied in the fragile flesh of Your son.
With confidence, we bring before You
our prayers for the church and the world.
We pray for Your church;
fill her with truth and peace.
Where she is corrupt, cleanse her.
Where she is in error, direct her.
Where anything is amiss, reform her.
Where she is right, strengthen her.
Where she is divided, heal and reunite her in Your love.
Lord, in Your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
O God, we look around and see
a world not yet right.
We see suffering and violence,
pain and sickness.
Still, we trust You are with us
and coming to us.
We pray for the victims
of the shooting in Jersey City,
for the lives lost on the New Zealand volcano,
for governments in upheaval,
and people fleeing violence.
In a world that looks away from injustice,
You cast your eyes on the destitute, the poor, the wronged;
may we have the courage to follow You,
preaching good news to the poor, release for the captives,
and liberty for the oppressed.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Patient God, grant us the patience
to see Your presence in the world.
In the least-expecting places
may we find Your hope.
In moments of despair
may we respond like Mary,
joyful at the promise of Your mercy,
of Your filling the hungry with good things,
the bringing down of the powerful;
Your Kingdom of equity and justice.
O God, come among us and hear our prayers,
so that when Your Son returns
we will have prepared space
where Your Kingdom is welcome.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.