Brothers and sisters,
as we await the coming of the Christ,
let us pray for the needs of the church,
our community, and the world.
O God, as Christmas draws closer,
we know this season of joy
can also be a time of loss and grief.
We ask You to comfort the broken-hearted and lonely.
Bring peace to families who have lost loved ones.
Give grace to those experiencing turmoil and pain.
Settle those caught up in never-ending to-dos.
Lord, in Your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
O God, we pray for your collective church,
for perseverance, stability, strength, and wisdom.
We pray for unity and peace for our nation.
We know it is the enemy who widens divisions
that isolate us from one another.
Help us remember we are all dust,
created in Your image,
and we all have life because Your Spirit gives us breath.
As Ephesians tells us, our struggle is not against flesh and blood.
Keep this on the forefront of our minds as we sit alongside
people with whom we may disagree.
Help us love one another, recognizing the humanity
you gifted to us all.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
We pray for those in our communities
who do not feel the abundance that many of us take for granted,
for those whom the holidays accentuate lack;
help them feel the fullness of Your love,
the connectedness of Your family,
and support this Sanctuary community.
We lift up those around the globe suffering from
natural disasters, war, and oppression;
grant them rest, respite, and safety.
Rest their minds and bodies so they can face the new year
with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
O God, thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy.
Inspire us with creative ways to spread Your light.
Help us be pure of heart and steadfast in our mission
to glorify You and love our neighbors.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.