Lent 3 | Year C

Sisters and brothers,
brothers and sisters,
and all the Family of God:
Seek the Lord while He may be found;
call upon Him while He is near.
Let us pray:

During this Lenten journey,
we thirst and we hunger,
but You, O God, call us
to refresh ourselves at Your table.
As we prepare our hearts
to partake of Your restorative meal,
we forsake our wicked ways,
we take captive our unrighteous thoughts,
and repent of our inaction.
Tune our souls to ways of Your Kingdom.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of Constancy:
Your steadfast love is better than life itself.
You satisfy our thirsty souls;
You revive our weary bodies.
Let us bless You as long as we have breath.

We honor all those who have come before us:
brothers and sisters from the distant past,
and those who are recently departed.
Let Your light perpetual shine upon them.
May we learn from their ways;
from both their triumphs and their tragedies.

Ground us in Your humility, O God.
So that when we think we are standing,
we do not fall.
Let us receive every hour
and every person we encounter
as the gifts they are from You.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Master Caretaker:
You have raised us up from saplings.
And Your grace is so great
that even when we bear no fruit,
You still say, “Give it time. Let Me do My work.”
Thank You for Your holy stubbornness.

Let us emulate that as Your Church,
doing Your work in the world,
in our country, in our state,
in Tulsa, and among those who call Sanctuary home.
Let us be persistent and patient.
Let us be tender and care-full.
Let us be empathetic and emphatic.
So that we can do our part,
and plant what we have,
so that we might bear fruit
in Your great orchard.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.