Lent 4 | Year C

Gracious Father,
we, Your family, are gathered here now,
joining our hearts together
as one big body,
grateful and thankful for
this place and this community
that You have given us.
Thank You, Lord,
for making all things new,
including us!

Thank You, God,
for being a safe place
where we can turn in times of trouble.
Instruct us and teach us, Lord.
Show us the way to go.
Our hearts are ready to follow You.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Expectant Father,
You cheer for us!
We fill Your heart with joy!
Even when we scatter our potential
as seed on hard ground,
You are on our side.

Some of us are near to You;
Hold us even closer
so that we may know Your heart.
Some of us are far from You;
Remind us of Your unconditional love
so that we may turn around and come home.

Give us Your joy, Lord,
Your celebration over the returned prodigal.
So that we may celebrate as well,
giving our best
for our brothers and sisters.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Satisfying Father,
You sent Your son
to earth from heaven
to be the true bread that feeds
and gives life to the world.
As we prepare our hearts
to join You at Your table,
we remember Your sacrifice.

Let us live sacrificially
in our world.
At work, at school, at church,
and at home.
Let us carry the grace
of the Eucharist
with us always.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.