God of mercy,
we praise You.
We sing for joy to You.
Even when the earth
brings forth an increase
that we did not expect.
We pray for all those affected
by this week’s tornadoes
and historic flooding.
Restore what has been lost
and let us, Your Church,
be You in the flesh to our hurting neighbors.
Where there is despair,
let us speak Your hope;
where there is anxiety,
let us speak Your peace;
where there is fear,
let us speak Your truth.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer.
God of light,
You shine on all of us equally.
Whether we sense Your light or not,
You shine.
We pray for those who feel
as though they are dwelling in darkness.
Those living with financial lack.
Those sojourning through physical suffering.
Make Yourself manifest in their lives.
Make all things well.
All manner of things.
We pray for those
who have entered their eternal rest.
Both those in our midst
who entered naturally
and those around the world
who have been martyred.
Let Your light perpetual shine upon them.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer.
God of blessing,
You are a wonderful parent.
You love to give!
We take this moment
to be grateful for all You’ve given us,
including this next breath.
Though we often look
ahead to our existence with You,
filled with Your light and life,
let us also remain grounded
on this earth You gave us.
Let us steward this gift.
Guide our words and actions,
and those of our leaders,
and continue to pour out Your blessings
on Tulsa, this nation, and this world,
and all the people in it.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.