Easter 7 | Year C

Our Lord Jesus prayed for us that we might be one.
Let us pray as one for the needs of the world, for the church,
and for all with whom Jesus desires our unity.

God, You are our lifeblood and our light,
You show us Your new creation every day.
You feed and clothe us and give us joy in Your good earth.
We praise You—our home and our true blessing.

For those who are recovering from loss
wreaked by historic floods and tornadoes,
we ask for Your restoration.
For those leaders tasked with managing
the situations brought about by this weather,
we pray for wisdom, grace, and rest.

O God, we pray for unity among all peoples—
the body of Christ, rent by conflict, that we may be one;
for people of all faiths to honor one another;
and for the end of religious wars.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy

All: Hear our prayer.

O God, we pray for peace
among nations, between tribes,
on school yards, in academic halls,
within legislative bodies,
and around kitchen tables in every home.

We pray for the families and victims
of yet another mass shooting.
May we resist the temptation
to accept this violence as normal,
and join in the cry, “How long, O Lord?” 
For the church’s mission to proclaim the good news,
that the world might know You.
May the New Life possible in faith
break open all people to love one another.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy

All: Hear our prayer.

For all people who cry out to you in this hardened time;
for people who do not have work,
those who have no safety net;
those without dining tables or beds;
those who do not have enough food.

For those concerns we name now silently or aloud . . .


We pray for the saints of all times and places,
by whose faith and hope we have been nurtured
in accord with Jesus’ prayer for his people
and our prayers for one another.
Into your hands, Gracious God,
we pray all these things,
asking You to hear both our thanksgivings
and our pleas,
knowing You hear more than we can say
and will grant what is needed.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.