Day of Pentecost | Year C

Family of God:
As we are gathered here in one place
like the disciples in the upper room,
may we gather our various voices
in prayer to the One who animates us:

Creator God,
when You sent Your Holy Spirit,
You showcased Your irresponsible beauty
by transforming the shame and separation of Babel
into a celebration of diversity and unity.

Today we pray, as Jesus did,
for Your unity in our midst.
Not that "all the colors will bleed into one,”
but that all will refract their true selves,
complementing one another
as an incomprehensible tapestry
of Your glorious design.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy

All: Hear our prayer.

Restorer God,
You, who adopted us into Your kingdom,
let us revel in our new identity as Your children.
Give us the strength to acknowledge
our past hurts and failures
and the wisdom and resources
to seek help where we need it.

Where we’ve been broken
by family, by coworkers,
by those in authority,
and by the Church,
bring restoration and healing.
Show us where we need to make amends
and seek forgiveness
among those we’ve broken
and for pain we’ve caused,
so that we may more fully embody You
in our ever-expanding world.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy

All: Hear our prayer.

Truth-teller God,
we receive Your Spirit of Truth,
the One who advocates.
We invite Your Truth
to permeate our community.
Let Your Truth flow over those in need:

let lack become provision,
let tragedy become triumph,
let hurt become healing,
let death become life.

Let Your Truth reign in this very moment,
as we each articulate
and add our own prayers,
either silently or aloud:


All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.