Friends in Christ,
God invites us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers
as dear to us as our own needs.
Loving our neighbors as ourselves,
we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions
on behalf of the church and the world.
God of justice,
Your word is light and truth.
Let Your face shine on us to restore us,
that we may walk in Your way,
seeking justice and doing good.
O God, we pray for Your holy catholic Church,
that we all may be one.
May every member of the Church
truly and humbly serve You
and glorify You in all places.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
O God, we pray for all who hold authority
throughout the nations of the world,
our own country, state,
and this city of Tulsa.
May You move their hearts toward justice and peace,
and grant that we may honor one another
and serve the common good of all people.
We pray for places plagued by violence,
for Kabul, Afghanistan, Syria, and Cape Town, South Africa,
for the communities of El Paso, Dayton, and Gilroy.
Come and fill us with Your light and love,
that we may be witnesses to your Kingdom
in a dark world.
We give You thanks for the helpers,
the peacemakers and encouragers;
may we count ourselves among them
in bringing comfort and respite to
grieving hearts and cold places.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
O God, we pray for our enemies
and those who wish us harm;
for all whom we have injured or offended.
We pray for ourselves;
for the forgiveness of our sins,
and for the grace of the Holy Spirit
to amend our lives.
Hear our prayers, God of power,
and through the ministry of Your Son
free us from the grip of the tomb,
that we may desire You as the fullness of life
and proclaim your saving deeds to all the world.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.