Family of God,
In times of sorrow and in times of rejoicing,
Our Lord calls us to pray,
To enter boldly, with thanksgiving and praise.
Together, let us present to God
our thanksgiving, praise, and prayer.
God of Goodness,
We consider Your lovingkindness.
We marvel at Your grace.
In times of uncertainty and unrest, fear, and darkness,
we rely on Your generosity;
we rest in Your care.
Grant us peace in this time,
and make us signposts of Your goodness;
that all may see Your compassion and care for the world.
O God,
You promise to heal our broken world;
to make what is wrong right again.
Together we ask that Your Spirit
would hover over the chaos of hatred, injustice and violence.
Breathe new creation.
And breathe upon us, Your people;
to enable us and empower us
to be a city on a hill in the midst of this darkness.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy.
All: Hear our prayer.
God Who Speaks,
Give us ears to hear and eyes to see.
Write Your law upon our hearts and minds,
and remember our sins no more.
In Your nearness, give us strength not to hide from You,
but let us hear Your word faithfully,
that it may burn through us like fire.
We pray for the leaders of this city, state and nation;
that they too would hear Your voice.
Turn the hearts of our leaders to righteousness
and grant them wisdom
that they may be faithful to Your voice and calling.
Lord, Your people long to hear Your voice.
Grant us faith to run this race
and the courage to cast off all that hinders us
from hearing You faithfully.
Let us not become entangled in sin.
Instead, help us fix our eyes on You,
that we may be faithful participants
as You speak words of healing to our broken world.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
God of Compassion,
We cast our cares upon You.
For those who grieve, bring peace.
For those who fear, bring confidence in Your goodness.
For those who suffer sickness, bring healing.
We entrust the cares of this life to You, O Lord.
To You we give stress, anxiety, and depression,
trusting that each is wrapped up in Your love.
Guide us to help where we need it
and to be help where it is needed.
With confidence, we pray for a vision of Your love for us
And a deeper understanding of Your mercy toward us.
Open our hearts to a fuller knowledge
of Your lovingkindness and compassion
That through each of us, the world may see Your goodness.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.