Lord God, friend of those in need,
your Son Jesus Christ has untied our burdens
and healed our spirits.
We lift up the prayers of our hearts
for those still burdened,
those seeking healing,
those in need within the church and the world.
Visit Your people,
wherever we are gathered throughout the world.
Pour out Your strength and courage upon us,
that we may hurry to make You welcome
not only in our concern for others,
but by serving them generously
and faithfully in Your name.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
O God, we offer our prayers
in the wake of yet another mass shooting.
We pray for the town of Odessa, Texas.
May we resist the temptation to grow numb,
to refuse to accept this pandemic as normal.
Form us into a people committed to Your peace.
We pray for all those in the path
of hurricane Dorian;
spare them from tragedy,
and grant them safety.
Strengthen the aid workers, medical personnel,
and all first responders.
We pray for the fires raging across the Amazon.
Make us faithful stewards of the earth’s fragile resources.
Help us to care for this world You created,
as well as its inhabitants,
so we may be entrusted with the good gifts You give.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
We pray for those among us
who may be suffering, grieving, or questioning;
for those longing for hospitality and welcome.
May Sanctuary be a house of rest and respite.
Receive these prayers, O God,
and transform us through them,
that we may have eyes to see and hearts to understand
not only what You do on our behalf,
but what You call us to do
and who You call us to be
so that things may be “on earth as it is in heaven.”
All this we ask through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.