Proper 19 | Year C

O God,
Your word tells us you hear our prayers.
We cry out to you.
We come together as a church body,
humbling ourselves before You and seeking Your face.
Help us to walk in a manner
worthy of the call You have given us.
Help us in all our interactions with one another
and those we come in contact with everyday.
May we have humble and gentle hearts
and bear with one another in love.

Lord help us to to pursue the things that make for peace
and give us discerning hearts to know your will.
We thank you for the courage you give us to be obedient.
Lord, you have given us what seems like an impossible task.
You ask us to deny ourselves,
take up the cross and follow You.
As we lift up these words for Your church,
may we seek You first, setting aside our own desires.
May we become intercessors for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Leader: Lord in your mercy

All: Hear our prayer

Loving and caring God, we live in confusing times.
We often crave simplicity and the ease of black and white thinking,
But You have called us to live by Kingdom values
and not to take the easy way out.

We pray for our nation and leaders
and other countries around the world.
May we work together to find solutions to difficult problems.
Provide our leaders with the knowledge needed
to approach each situation in ways that make for peace and justice.
Remind our leaders why they dedicated their lives
to public service and encourage them in their commitment
to us and one another.

Triumphant Father, we continue lifting prayers
for the aftermath of hurricane Dorian.
Thank You for providing comfort to those impacted
and helping them to recover all that was lost.
May Your favor surround them and bring them peace.

Leader: Lord in your mercy

All: Hear our prayer

O God, we lift up the city of Tulsa.
Where there is chaos bring peace,
and where there is hate pour out Your love.
We thank You for working out Your kingdom agenda in Tulsa!

We pray for those suffering in our community.
May we be like Paul, remaining fixed on You in the midst of hardship.
With praise, we thank You for always being by our side.
You said you would never leave us nor forsake us.
Thank You for always keeping Your promises to us!
You are making all things new; may we trust that truth
and allow it to silence the lies that speak the opposite!

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen!