Proper 20 | Year C

Brothers and sisters,
family of God:
Let us not be lax in offering
supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and thanksgivings
On behalf of everyone,
whether gathered here or not.
Let us pray:

Lord Over All,
You sit high above all our earthly leaders
You stoop to conquer,
and yet You meet us wherever we are.
Who is like You?
There is none like You.
You encompass all space, high and low.

We lift up our leaders to You.
Leaders at all levels and in all facets.
We pray for all in positions of leadership,
that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives
in all godliness and dignity.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Lord Over Life,
Blessed be Your name
From this time on and forevermore.
We thank You for Your constancy,
for Your faithfulness and mercy.

There are those among us
who, like the prophet Jeremiah,
lift up their voices in lament, saying,
“My joy is gone. Grief is upon me.
My heart is sick.
The harvest is passed. The summer is ended.
And I am not saved.”

We hurt with those who hurt.
We mourn with those who mourn.
We expectantly await You
to gird us with hope and joy,
with peace and comfort.
Give us strength today.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Lord Over Creation,
Where we have sinned, we repent.
Remember not our past sins;
let Your compassion be swift to meet us.
Let our care for Your creation extend for generations to come.

Lift the weak out of the dust,
lift the poor from the ashes.
Demonstrate Your faithfulness
so that we may be full of faith
in You and in one another,
one Sanctuary family.

May our service be done for You only,
and not for material things.
Let the things of this world
assume their proper place in our list of priorities.
We offer now our own prayers,
whether silently or aloud:


All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.