Families of all:
We're here today to get closer to God.
While we gather, listen closely
to what the Lord would say.
Let us pray:
Lord of Greatness and Power,
We bow our heads to show
we love all You do.
From water to ice,
from fire to magma,
we love everything You have given us.
When our loved ones leave
or we miss our friends,
it happens because
You made a beginning and a middle,
and we wait for You to write the ending.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer.
O God, in whom we put our trust:
We give You thanks.
We will trust in You and will not be afraid,
for You are our strength and our might.
We mourn for loved ones who have passed,
may they enter their eternal rest.
For those who hurt, we pray You would heal.
We pray for the homeless to find a home.
Let us be a light in the world, O God.
Help us to comfort those who mourn,
and spread peace and love wherever we go.
Guide us so we may help those who hurt.
Leader: Lord, in Your mercy
All: Hear our prayer.
Lord who knows us by name,
We humbly ask You to grant us strength
for this week and the weeks to come.
Help us pursue righteousness,
and grant us peace of mind.
We pray for those in leadership roles
in our country, our state, and our city,
Grant them wisdom to guide us through
difficult times.
Lord, we ask that You would make Your
presence known to us over this next week.
We know You are always with us,
but we ask You to help us realign our thoughts
toward You so You become our main focus.
We offer now our own prayers,
Either silently or aloud:
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.