Sanctuary family,
In prayer, we approach the throne of our God
Who already has his ear inclined to us.
Let us lift up our community and our world.
Our Father, we pray for the peace of the whole world.
Pain and violence are everywhere we look,
but we place our hope in you,
trusting that you see it all
and will not forget a single tear.
We pray for the unity of the Christian church.
Animosity and distrust pervade our congregations,
Confusion and anger define our denominational lines.
Reveal where we have contributed and heal us.
Make us one as you are one.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Almighty God, we pray for the leaders of our government,
Especially in times like these.
We ask that our politicians will embrace the path of justice and peace
That we may live quiet and godly lives without fear.
We pray for this election season that represents
A time of strong convictions from many people.
As we participate, may our voices and our votes,
Sow cords of peace, justice, and love.
May we not be motivated by fear,
But fill us with your care for all people.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
God of restoration,
we lift up all those in need of health today.
Whether they suffer in mind, body, or spirit,
We ask for their comfort and healing.
For all that have died in the hope of the resurrection,
And for all whose faith is known to you alone,
We pray that you will receive them into eternal rest and joy.
May we also continue our lives in faith,
That we may find our home with you among all the saints.
We also lift up any other people or concerns whether silently or aloud…
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.