O God,
the Creator of all things,
the Ground of our being,
and the Space that is within us and between us.
Thank You for the beauty that is Your universal Church.
Thank You for the hope of unity and oneness
that we experience as we follow you and embody your Love.
God, we pray for our country during this tumultuous election cycle.
We pray for empathy and love as we engage with people
in our neighborhoods, in our schools, in our workplace,
in our church, and in our families that think differently than we do.
We pray for our leaders, for President Trump and Vice President Pence,
our Senate and House of Representatives, our Supreme Court,
and our state and local leaders.
May they find creative ways to work together
and honor our values of freedom and equality.
God, we ask for Your eyes and Your ears
that we may truly see and listen to one another.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
God, we pray for those experiencing conflict and injustice around the world.
We pray for those in extreme poverty,
for those who are trafficked for work and sex,
for the homeless, the refugees, and those who worry on a daily basis
about how they will feed their children.
We pray for the people of Iran and of Iraq,
bring them safety and stability amidst chaos.
We pray for the people of Israel and Palestine,
bring them peace and solutions amidst their conflict.
We pray for those affected by natural disasters around the world.
Please protect the people and the animals of Australia
as they continue to battle wildfires.
Bring aid and comfort to those affected by earthquakes in Puerto Rico.
God, we pray for all those who are sick and dying from the Coronavirus.
We ask that you give wisdom to doctors around the world
and especially those in China as they seek to develop vaccinations
and care for those who are in need.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
God, we pray for all of the students in our communities.
Keep them safe, warm, and nourished.
We pray for our local police officers, fire fighters,
teachers, doctors, and nurses that serve our communities;
give them wisdom and compassion
especially for the most vulnerable among us.
We pray for the homeless in our city, especially during cold weather.
Help us to be generous and kind as we encounter these neighbors.
God, we pray for these, our Sanctuary parishioners.
For those who feel overwhelmed by depression, anxiety, and loneliness.
May Your presence feel so near this week.
We pray for Your comfort for those who are grieving loss.
May our churches be a place of safety and of healing.
We pray for those who are sick;
we pray especially for these we name before you…
Give them strength and heal their bodies.
God, may we be a community who prays for one another
and carries each other’s burdens.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.