Family, as we gather today, let us bear the weight of prayer together.
As we pray for our church, the Church, and the world,
may we be reminded that we join our faith with all saints
past and present in offering our requests.
Mysterious God, we celebrate the revelation of Your Son,
the light of the world, who enlightens our eyes.
In the appearance of Jesus, we have not only seen You,
but all things that once were hidden have been revealed.
May the light of your presence continue to shine in every dark place,
in order that we might see things as they truly are.
Protect Your people from deception and lead us into truth
so together we might recognize where Your kingdom is springing forth.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
King of all creation, as we enter a season of political division,
Guide your Church to place their trust in You alone.
Help us to see beyond the rhetoric of our day into a hope
that far exceeds any proposal given by our candidate of choice.
When our leaders seem blind to the needs of the most desperate among us,
Strengthen us to not only use our voices,
But also our hands and feet to attend to the needs around us.
Today, we especially pray for the newly appointed Tulsa Chief of Police.
Lead him into the ways of peace and justice,
so all our communities may live in safety
and slowly begin to mend the wounds that span centuries.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Father, heal all those who are sick among us,
comfort those who are grieving,
and renew those who grow weary,
especially these we name before you either silently or aloud…
We pray today for those who have died in faith
and those whose faith is known to You alone.
Receive them all into Your loving and eternal rest,
And assist us in our journeys of hope,
so that our paths might find their end in your embrace.
God who listens, we thank You for inclining Your ear to us,
as we pour out our confusions, doubts, and hope to You.
Fulfill our requests as may be best for us
and gift us with faith to trust you as we watch your story unfold.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.