Almighty God, thank You You for inclining Your ear to us!
With humility, we offer our prayers to You.
Sanctuary family, let us pray:
Lord, in a time of disunity and disinformation,
make us messengers of Your truth and peace.
Let us carry Your message in our mouths, in our hands, in our feet,
in every action being people of salt and light.
Let us love You first.
Let us pursue You foremost.
Set our hearts on the pilgrims’ way,
that we may embody Your love among all our fellow travelers.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
All-consuming God, You are our sun—the light that guides our way;
our eyes have seen Your salvation.
You are our shield—the house in which we dwell;
hide us in the shadow of Your wing.
Where we are unsettled, give us the patience of Simeon;
where we are inconsistent, give us the devotion of Anna;
where we are indifferent, give us the amazement of Mary and Joseph.
We ask You to bless those among us in need.
Bless us with the resources to care for ourselves and others,
with fitness of soul and rightness of heart.
Welcome those who have died into their eternal rest.
Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.
All-encompassing God,
As millions face dire consequences from the coronavirus in China,
we pray for healing for those affected and wisdom for all those fighting it.
Bless our leaders at every level,
in Tulsa, in Oklahoma, in the United States, and in the world.
Pierce their consciences where needed
and guide them to act justly,
so that all Your creation may flourish.
We also now offer our own prayers, either silently or aloud:
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.